Wojtyła Community & Institute

A Family of Families


Chris Stefanick says:
"Happy 50th Episode of the Chris Stefanick Show! Thank you guys for sticking with me for 50 episodes of fascinating people living in the joy of the Lord. Here’s to 50 more! 
Today, we are diving into a previously unreleased never-before-seen work of Pope St. John Paul II with Peter and Theresa Martin, and it has the power to CHANGE THE WORLD! 
How can it change the world? By transforming good and holy marriages, one couple at a time.  
As Archbishop of Krakow, Karol Wojtyła wrote a Rule for Marriages to support couples in his archdiocese. The Martins have translated this rule into English for the first time and expanded upon it to form a framework for couples to live our their marriage vows with a deeper love and joy than ever before. 
We chat about how this book came to be, how intentional community with other married couples makes your marriage STRONGER, and why living according to Catholic sexual ethics and openness to life can feel scary, but is such a beautiful adventure with your spouse and with God! I encourage you to share this with your spouse and a couple you know who would benefit from watching this episode this week. Pope St. John Paul II, pray for us!" 

have you read the latest?

Trusting The Rule of St. John Paul II, we are a family of families, striving for holiness, strengthening marriages, and living the truth of Humanae Vitae with JOY!

Our mission is to support spouses who wish to follow the Rule of St. John Paul II. Through the Rule, he invites good, strong couples to become great in holiness! As a husband and wife open their hearts more to the grace of the sacrament, they become closer to God and to each other, and this produces lasting joy!

integral vision of the person
St. John Paul II said we need to see each person in two moments: who he is and who he is meant to be, seeing both the real and the ideal. He calls this the integral vision of the person. In following the Rule, we accompany spouses in the real, gritty, everyday reality, but always seeking and reaching for the ideal of Christian life-joyful unity with God.

conjugal spirituality
Conjugal spirituality is the relationship between God and the spouses, united as one. This new relationship is formed through the Sacrament of Marriage. This real spiritual union can be so profound, John Paul II says, that the spouses have but one interior life! Conjugal spirituality is also the key to finding unshakable joy and peace in your marriage. The Rule helps unlock this amazing gift of grace!

After reading the Rule for Married Couple Groups by St. John Paul II, Peter and Theresa Martin knew it had to be shared! They founded the Wojtyła Community & Institute (WCI) to bring the Rule to the English-speaking world! The WCI also supports those who wish to follow the Rule through leadership training, workbooks, dialogue journals, and more! The founding of the WCI was also a direct answer to the call of St. John Paul II. In these newly translated texts, he said when there s not a community that supports authentic marriage, the dignity of the person, and the cultivation of conjugal spirituality—it must be created!

St. John Paul II said spouses need heroic virtue to live authentically Christian marriages in this increasingly secular culture. In order to live this higher level of virtue, he says, you need the support of a committed community.

As Cardinal, St. John Paul II had launched an initiative of Married Couple Groups, directly after the promulgation of Humanae Vitae. The WCI follows his 6-point Rule in establishing Married Couple Groups, training the leaders, building community, praying together, and sharing our joy-filled love with the Church and the world!

Find out more today!
Email us: info@wojtylaci.com

Enjoy reading the latest updates from the Wojtyla Community & Institute!


AUGUST 1, 2024 **MEDIA ADVISORY** Cardinal Burke encourages married couples at retreat ​LA CROSSE, WI - Friday evening, July 26, over 85 married couples made their way to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin to attend the first ever married couples retreat there: “Two Souls United in Christ.” By the invitation of His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, the retreat was organized and led by the Wojtyła Community & Institute, a non-profit organization founded by Peter & Theresa Martin to propagate The Rule for Married Couple Groups written by St. John Paul II in 1969. The married couples were encouraged

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Read the summer issue of JOYFUL!

05/13/2024 - The summer issue of JOYFUL! is ready to read! JOYFUL! is the Wojtyła Community & Institute's quarterly communique. With articles, insights, personal stories, as well as news about the details of upcoming events and retreats ...

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Read the Inspiring Advent issue of JOYFUL!

12/19/2023 - The Advent issue of JOYFUL! is ready to read! JOYFUL! is the Wojtyła Community & Institute's quarterly communique. With articles, insights, personal stories, as well as news about the details of upcoming events and retreats ...

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The Wojtyła Community & Institute Introduces JOYFUL!

10/10/2023 - The Wojtyła Community & Institute launches a quarterly communique: JOYFUL! With articles, insights, personal stories, as well as news about the details of upcoming events and retreats ...

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EWTN invites Peter & Theresa to Alabama for Interview.

09/01/2023 - The Wojtyła Community & Institute is excited to share that EWTN has invited Peter and Theresa Martin down to be on the "At Home with Jim and Joy" show!

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Pontifical John Paul II Institute recognizes Peter Martin as featured alumnus. Praises work on The Rule and with WCI.

8/23/2023 - WASHINGTON, D.C. The Pontifical John Paul II Insitute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America recently featured Peter Martin as their featured alumnus in an alumni email newsletter. The email included Peter's story ...

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FANTASTIC INTERVIEW. Watch Now! Peter & Theresa Martin on the Messy Family Project Podcast!

Mike and Alicia Hernon, from the Messy Family Project podcast, sit down with Peter and Theresa Martin interviewing them about St. John Paul II's Rule in this lively and entertaining exchange! watch here ...

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Peter & Theresa were on EWTN's "At Home with Jim & Joy"