Details on the next Leader Couple Training Course - September

We are excited to be offering another Leader Couple Training Course in September! If you are interested in being put on the list for the next class, please contact us. This training is for couples who want to begin their own Married Couple Group following St. John Paul II's Rule!

The course includes mentorship, all the materials you need (including Class videos, Leader Couple MCG Workbooks, The Rule book, Journals, "Pocket Rule," WCI Prayer Card, and so much more!), and 3 online classes (you can either participate live or watch them recorded). The total cost for the training is $55.

At completion of this course, the Leader Couple will: 

  • Have a basic understanding of the points and purpose of St. John Paul II’s Rule for Married Couple Groups. 
  • Understand the vision of the Wojtyła Community & Institute (WCI) – how it began, its purpose, and Mission Statement. Know the way a WCI Married Couple Group (MCG) should be organized and facilitated. 
  • Have a solid relationship with their Mentor Couple as friend and ally. 
  • Begin to expand in their own conjugal spirituality, growing closer every day to the Blessed Trinity. 
  • Be able to articulate what they’ve learned to the couples in their MCG and have fun! 
  • Know that they are loved by the WCI family! 
  • Not forget to laugh often, forgive frequently, and love without reserve!

Successful completion of the course awards the enrolled couple with a Leadership Certification by the WCI. When a couple is a WCI Certified Leader Couple, they will have access to order Welcome Boxes and begin a WCI Married Couple Group following the Rule of St. John Paul II!

To start the process of signing up for the Leader Couple Training Course, please email Kevin Stacy,