Living Our Vocation with Joy! - MCG Spotlight

by Dexter & Amber Sanchez (Fort Worth, TX)

Before we learned about The Rule, we had plenty of experience with "men's groups" and "women's groups." Having a space intended for both of us, together as a couple, has been one of the biggest blessings about joining a Married Couple Group. As a family with young children and various demands upon our schedules, it can be challenging to carve out time that is dedicated to our marriage -- being part of an MCG has helped us to prioritize our marriage and our spiritual life together in a consistent way.

Our MCG started somewhat organically after we all decided to read The Rule together. As we learned more about this gift that JPII had left for us and the resources offered by the WCI, we decided to go for it! As we've begun to meet weekly as a group, we've discovered many fruits of striving to live The Rule in community. Completing conjugal spirituality challenges with our group has brought us closer together as a couple, and the built-in accountability of sharing about our lives each week has helped us recognize where we can continue to grow. Our "family of families" has already become a place where we can bring both our struggles and our hopes for the future as we seek to better understand and live out God's plan for marriage and family life.

On the day we're writing this, Luke's Gospel tells the story of the man brought on a stretcher and lifted down through the roof to Jesus by his friends. Our experience in our MCG has been something like this -- a group of friends bringing each other to Jesus. As we hear from the other couples in our group about the ways that they're encountering Christ in marriage and family life, we find that we're renewed and more able to live out our vocation with joy. We're so thankful for the Rule, the WCI, and the beautiful families in our Married Couple Group!



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