How to Start Your Own JPII Married Couple Group!

JPII has a beautiful vision for marriage that really raises the bar - but the results will astound you! You won’t even believe the depth it can create spiritually until you experience it!

Leader Couple Training Course is now accepting applications! (Deadline to apply is August 30.) Click here to apply!

Find out what it's all about by watching a recording of the last "info call" all about the training. CLICK HERE TO WATCH.

Peter & Theresa Martin begin speaking in detail at the 17:20 mark and then at 42:99 you can hear other leader couples (from ALL OVER!) share about the AMAZING difference in their lives the married couple groups have made!

Being in a Married Couple Group grows your conjugal spirituality in amazing ways ... it will take you to a place you never knew possible!

There are only a few spots left for this class! So, if you and your spouse are interested, apply as soon as possible to secure your place!

A little more detail about the training:

The course consists of 4 mentor couple sessions (each leader couple is assigned a personal mentor couple) and 3 live online class sessions, and some reading homework. We use the Google-Classroom platform. It takes 6 - 8 weeks. 

Once your application has been accepted, you will receive an email with the Registration link and how to purchase your Leader Couple Welcome Box. 

Cost: $55. The total cost of the training is the purchase of the Leader Couple Welcome Box, which is $55 plus tax and shipping.

The Mentor sessions will be determined between each mentor couple and potential leader couple, but the dates for the Live Classes for the September Course are: 

Sept 10 – First Class: The Gift and the Mission.

Sept 24 – Second Class:  Readjusting our Vision: Living Extraordinarily for Christ.       

Oct 15 – Third Class: Nurturing Community, Building the Kingdom.

All classes are Tuesday evenings at 8pm central, but they are recorded if a couple is not able to be on the class live.

Throughout the course the mentor couple is assisting the leader couple in praying about who to invite to join their future group, but when that group materializes is on God's terms and the entire process has been for every single couple a beautiful faith journey! 

Please reach out to us at info@wojtył if you have other questions!  

God bless you!