Inaugural Class of WCI Certified Leader Couples a Success

by: Emily Lofy, Director of Leadership Development

What an incredible gift and JOY to “graduate” our first ever class of WCI Leader Couples this month! A training that took over a year of fine-tuning and vision-casting finally saw the fruits of such labor. An even greater blessing was the beautiful array of couples whom the Lord brought to participate in this first class.

The WCI Leadership Council conducted the three-course training, spanning across 6 weeks, in August and September. It consisted of three live one-hour webinars to dive deeply into The Rule and the great mission of leading others in following this gift from St. John Paul II. We had couples join us from all over the country, representing eight different States! Couples enjoyed meeting and getting to know each other and sharing their stories on how God has called them to live this mission of following The Rule. These couples were then matched with a WCI Mentor Couple, where they unpacked each training course and delved into the specifics of leading their very own Married Couple Group.

We now have five new WCI Certified Leader Couples who are ready to begin their own Married Couple Groups, with more close behind! What a blessing that married couples from across the country will get to experience the profound impact of following The Rule! This inaugural class has boldly answered the call to deepen their own conjugal spirituality and lead others in that journey as well. What a gift! What an inspiration! 

Want to start your own Married Couple Group? Click here to get started!