JOYFUL! Vol 1, Issue 4

The WCI Team is delighted to bring you JOYFUL! the official communique of the Wojtyła Community & Institute. This is your one-stop for all the latest news and exciting events going on with the WCI, from podcasts to conferences to marriage retreats, wherever we are sharing St. John Paul II's Rule for couples, you can find it here! This issue includes:

1) "Excellent and Outstanding!" - Two Souls United in Christ Marriage Retreat in La Crosse was tremendously blessed. Click to read more touching stories from attendees and where to register for the next retreat! "You have helped our ...  read more

2) How can you start your own JPII Married Couple Group? - The Holy Spirit is indeed on the move in the hearts of couples everywhere! MCGs (Married Couple Groups) following St. John Paul II's Rule are spreading across the nation. Would you like to start a group following JPII's Rule? learn how ... read more

3) Chris Stefanick Show features Peter & Theresa Martins - Did you see Theresa & Peter on the Chris Stefanick Show? The interview was amazing, engaging, inspiring, and Holy Spirit filled! Watch it now

4) Come Meet Peter & Theresa in Person!  - The Martins have an exciting schedule coming up and they would love to meet you! To find out the details of where they will be and how you can register for these different events ... click here.

Don't see your town? Book the Martins today!