JOYFUL!  Vol 1, Issue 1

It is indeed with great joy that we on the WCI Team unveil to you "JOYFUL!" the official communique of the Wojtyła Community & Institute! This is your one-stop for all the latest news and exciting events going on with the WCI, from television shows to marriage retreats, wherever we are sharing St. John Paul II's Rule for couples and spreading the truth on marriage, you can find it here! 

Our first issue includes:

1) Peter & Theresa on EWTN - a touching and engaging piece, written from the personal perspective of WCI Executive Assistant Kevin Stacy.

2) WCI PRESENTS: IZABELLA NAGLE! - you will love reading the beautiful biography of Izabella, who was born and raised in Poland; she will be the keynote speaker at our annual St. John Paul II Feast Day Celebration.

3) Gift Your Beloved with a Marriage Retreat - the Leadership team of the WCI is preparing the perfect experience for you to learn about St. John Paul II's Rule for married couple groups in a spiritual as well as informative experience. Find the retreat that works best for you.

4) INAUGURAL CLASS OF WCI LEADER COUPLES A SUCCESS - Emily Lofy reports the wonderful experience of training Leader Couples from all over the country.

5) History & Mission: "This has been waiting for you." - Read for the first time, Theresa's personal account of how she received the Italian text of the Rule of St. John Paul II in England.

6) How can you help? - The beautiful mission of the WCI needs to be supported. You can help change the world! Read more...

7) Peter & Theresa speak at the CFLA Conference. - The Martins continue to spread the wonderful message of St. John Paul II's Rule for married couple groups! There next stop is Florida!

Have an idea for JOYFUL? Or an article on marriage or why St. John Paul II's Rule is needed for our time? Contact us with your idea and/or submission!